you are a college student with finals in English class nearly due, however, your Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is keeping you from completing the last 500 words in your essay and in your haste, you forgot to take your medication. You must overcome your ADHD for just this final moment of work or be doomed with an F on your finals!!!!

It's required to play the game on full screen and you should utilize your keyboard and mouse to type down the essay. There are also 4 distractions that are repeatable you must complete or loss time.

Programmers:Niko, Habin



Design and Narrative:Du 

Updated 5 days ago
Published 7 days ago
GenreInteractive Fiction
Tags2D, First-Person, Narrative, Unity


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Let's just say playing this while having adhd was an experience. 

The only thing I found unrealistic is the distractions coming up out of absolutely nowhere. In my experience, you're thinking about something distantly related to your work and then you start doom scrolling